Countless things have changed since we spiraled into a “work from home” world and then tip-toed back to the office (at least for our agency and the clients we serve). But one thing hasn’t: our belief that the messages, marketing initiatives and measurement tools we trust are where we return to get momentum, find clients/customers (new and old) and feel somewhat like our business selves again.
When the business you’ve known comes to an abrupt halt or catapults you into unknown territory, it forces you to focus on what matters most. In the midst of everything, we have watched as businesses all over the county —some of them for the first time—looked to others outside and inside of their organizations to reflect, restore their industries and connect with their customers and employees. As we begin Q4 and look to Q1 we’d like to share the evaluation method we use internally at TRINDGROUP and for our clients.
TRINDGROUP is helping our clients REALIGN their business from a marketing and public relations perspective. What does that look like?
R – Relevant and Realistic = Make sure you are setting realistic goals and engaging in relevant subsegments. This may take you out of your comfort zone a little. Many of our clients have begun to engage with new subsegments but found it necessary to look to new markets to supplement areas of their business. Be realistic and use your measurement tools to validate the adjustments you make.
E – Evaluate and Expertise = Where does your expertise lie? What solutions does your company offer? Evaluate how your organization can capitalize on this. If you are already reinforcing your expertise to your target audiences, are you listening to their reactions? Often, we push initiatives without using the marketing and public relations listening tools available to us. Evaluation of strategy is important.
A – Actionable/ Attainable /Amplify = There are so many A’s to be recognized. Are we providing our target audience actionable messages? Have we set attainable goals, or have you participated in goal setting at all? Are we amplifying our messaging across channels that our audience engages in?
L – Lessons = This may take the most time, but it’s definitely worth it! What lessons have we learned in Q1 – Q3 of 2020? You are probably laughing because there has never been a year where the lessons for our business has been greater. Did a pivot you make work? Were things you were testing have to be postponed? Were segments inside or outside of your business that you were unsure about gain clarity? Yes, 2020 has thrown many a curve ball, but what did we learn?
I – Inspiration = Who in your organization has inspired you? It’s time to recognize those who do great work. Thinking outside of your business, it’s been a tough year, full of adjustments, uncertainty. Let’s find the successes in your business and whether we announce them internally or externally, it’s nice to lean into inspiration.
G – Goal Oriented = If you have not set marketing and public relations goals before, now is the time to start. You most likely have benchmarks you can use to set minimum standards and then jump into goal setting. Maybe through the end of Q4 or begin looking ahead to Q1 of next year.
N- New Quarter / New Year = Looking to the future can provide the step outside of your daily tasks and give you the perspective we all need. As we enter Q4 and look ahead to a new year, what have you accomplished and where do you need help?
As we begin Q4 and begin to REALIGN our businesses and ourselves and look forward to a new year TRINDGROUP is here to help you and your business. TRINDGROUP partners with organizations to help them review and reevaluate your strategy, identify benchmarks, set goals and implement tactics to meet these goals.

Jessie King is a content strategist/technical writer and co-owner of TRINDGROUP. Jessie’s background is in communication, specifically public relations and marketing. Before founding TRINDGROUP, Jessie served as a lecturer in the Auburn University School of Communication and Journalism teaching a variety of communication and public relations classes. She has worked with a variety of industrial clients throughout her career and specializes in the oil and gas (upstream, midstream and downstream) and engineering sectors. She spends much of her time working with clients to develop, research and write articles, white papers, blogs, and other content. Jessie’s industrial experience and emphasis on the strategic communication process offers our clients an easy transition to working with an agency.
Jessie holds a B.A. in Public Relations from Auburn University and a M.A. in Mass Communication with a concentration in Qualitative Research and Argumentation from Auburn University.
Owner/Technical Writer