Interested in an Internship?
Take a Peek into the Daily Life of an Intern at TRINDGROUP
If you are in need of an internship, look no further! With two types of internships available, PR & Marketing and Graphic Design, TRINDGROUP interns do real work for real clients. From writing blogs (like this one) to creating social graphics, interns learn how to supply professional work in a timely manner. Did we pique your interest? Let us give you the inside scoop of what to expect as a TG intern.
Our days often start out with a meeting where we catch up and regroup. You’ll always know what work is expected from you because of these meetings. Then, you will get the rest of your day to work on your assignments. These tasks include checking on client websites to make sure they haven’t been hacked by Russian spies and checking clients’ social media to respond to comments, interacting with followers, etc. Other than the dailies, every day at TG is different – on Monday you might be writing blogs, Tuesday might be focused on creating social media content and on Wednesday you might be creating a recipe. The different tasks keep us on our toes!
The great thing about TG is that you rarely need to do typical “intern tasks” such as picking up your boss’ dry cleaning or making endless copies of spreadsheets you will not even use. Instead, you are spending your time creating content for clients, receiving valuable feedback and producing work for your portfolio. Plus, you are constantly networking, which is always a good thing. We cannot lie, though- we do occasionally make a run to the local coffee shop for a morning pick-me-up, but who can resist when The Bean is right next door?
As interns, we have bolstered our AP style knowledge and advanced our overall writing skills. While we know more facts about manufacturing industries than we know what to do with, it has allowed us to branch out of our comfort zones. Creating Instagram stories and content has become a breeze and Google Analytics, once an intimidating task, has become quite relaxing. TG has personally prepared us for our future as PR Professionals and we hope that you take advantage of this opportunity.
If you are interested in learning more about TRINDGROUP’s internship program, check out their internship microsite (made by us and TG’s graphic designer!) and apply!

By: Charlotte Hedgepeth

By: Alyssa Buzzeo