TRINDGROUP Announces Promotions

TRINDGROUP Announces Promotions: Miriam Boyer as Senior Graphic Designer and Natalie Chandler as Account Production Specialist

At TRINDGROUP, we value our team members and recognize their hard work and continuous growth. We are excited to announce two recent promotions: Miriam Boyer as Senior Graphic Designer and Natalie Chandler as Account Production Specialist.

Miriam Boyer: Design Vision Meets Execution

Miriam first joined TRINDGROUP as a Graphic Designer in February of 2023. Her previous experience within the design department gives her the insight required to oversee and direct upcoming projects. Furthermore, Miriam’s familiarity with TRINDGROUP’s existing clients and their industries guarantees that future designs remain true to unique brand standards.

“As a Senior Designer, I’m looking forward to assisting and mentoring up-and-coming designers. I’ve personally gained so much wisdom from other experienced designers that has helped me to build my career. I’m excited to “pay it forward,” and I’m sure they can teach me a thing or two as well!”

Part of Miriam’s new role will be ensuring that all projects produced by the design team meet TRINDGROUP’s rigorous, high-quality standard of excellence. We’re excited to see Miriam flourish in her new position as a Senior Graphic Designer.

Natalie Chandler: Proficiency & Performance

Since joining TRINDGROUP more than 2 years ago, Natalie has been our steadfast Social Media Coordinator. Now, with comprehensive client insight and industry experience, Natalie is prepared to nurture client goals as they extend beyond social media platforms.

“Because social media is such a popular outlet for modern businesses, managing our client’s image throughout their respective platforms was a huge responsibility; one that I believe has prepared me for my new position. I look forward to applying the knowledge and skills I gained as Social Media Coordinator to my new position as TRINDGROUP’s Account Production Specialist.”

In her role as Account Production Specialist, Natalie will continue to foster client relationships while helping them achieve both long- and short-term goals. We are excited to see Natalie continue her above-and-beyond trajectory.


Two years in Natalie is still excited by the new experiences TRINDGROUP has to offer; not only because of the ever-dynamic client work. “No two days look the same for me, which is what I love most about this work! I enjoy the challenge of not ever knowing exactly what’s around the corner.” Natalie relishes the opportunity to grow in her personal and professional life by learning from her colleagues, and she is enthusiastic to continue helping TRINDGROUP’s clients grow.

Miriam is thrilled to continue working and advancing in the industry she is passionate about. “I love what I do! When I joined TRINDGROUP, I knew that I would enjoy the work environment and getting to know my coworkers, but I was surprised that I enjoyed working with industrial clients so much. I love the challenge of designing for these industries and I’m grateful for the opportunity to continue learning new things.” Miriam continued, saying “I’m excited about being a part of our clients’ and TRINDGROUP’s success.”

Everyone at TRINDGROUP is proud to recognize Natalie and Miriam for their hard work and dedication. TRINDGROUP partners with organizations to enhance client communication and expand messaging channels through public relations, digital marketing, content development, creative design and production. Our clients engineer, design, manufacture, grow, harvest and provide services that support and drive the U.S. economy.

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