Understand the Importance of
Sales and Marketing

It’s an age-old battle between sales and marketing, but does it have to be? Identifying the needs of your sales team and how they relate to your company’s marketing strategy or the lack of marketing can often result in unhappy campers. This is when a sales support program shines. Sales support is simply designing a process in which your sales team is prepared for the challenges they face in your market.

What does a Sales Support Program Do?

It ensures the members of your sales team thoroughly understand the products and services your company offers, have knowledge of competitors and can answer the tough questions your customers and target customers pose.

What does a Sales Enablement Program include?

It can include one or all of the services below:

  • Marketing persona development
  • Development of sales brochures, one-sheeters, videos for internal and external use
  • Sales pipeline analysis and development
  • Lead scoring modeling
  • CRM implementation = Customer Relationship Management Software
  • Sales playbook development

TRINDGROUP works with your company to not only develop marketing materials that will get used but also help your sales team generate leads and close deals.

We take a research approach to your market, and with the help of your sales team we develop marketing personas and tactics to reach these customers. We help your sales team identify and outline your sales process and not only document it, but also develop the tactics and materials used in each step of the process to close deals.

We develop the strategies necessary for the intersection of sales and marketing and the collaboration of your sales team and marketing strategy. TRINDGROUP has developed sales support programs from different perspectives and points along the customer journey. Let us help you access your needs and develop a sales support program that WORKS.

What Happen When Align Sales and Marketing? Success!

  • Define sales and marketing goals – make sure to keep open communication about how marketing initiatives drive sales goals and help a sales team achieve success
  • Develop detailed buyer personas with specific brand messaging and persona pain points
  • Research and document the customer journey through sales playbook development
  • When ready; implement a Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM) and harness this technology to further unite sales and marketing efforts
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