target audience

Finding Value in the Infographic
Communicating a wide-range of information about a particular topic to a diverse audience can be challenging. Is it best to do this in writing, via a press release or report? Can the information be conveyed using a slideshow of photos?...
What is Public Relations?
One of TRINDGROUP’s three primary services, public relations plays an integral role in establishing and maintaining a brand’s identity. While often less familiar than marketing or advertising, public relations is no less important to a business’s overall success. Technically speaking,...
Social Media for B2B Companies
As a B2B operation, using social media can seem both daunting and un-rewarding. What should we post about? When should we share our posts? Should we communicate directly with end consumers? Or should we develop content geared toward potential customers?...
A Traditional Marketing Piece Can Make A Difference
Staying on top of the latest industry trends is important in the marketing world, but using tried-and-true tactics can also make a great impact on a target audience. A printed collateral piece featuring fire boats did just that for one...
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